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Pocono (|Mp)
Stratigraphic Column

Closeup of Pocono's conglomeratic base.


The Pocono Formation is located below the Mauch Chunk Formation and above the Spechty Kopf Formation.

The Pocono Formation (|Mp) is a dominantly gray color with quartzitic medium to coarse-grained sandstones found in beds 1 inch to one foot thick. The base of the Pocono Formation is marked by conglomerate up to 40 feet in thickness and containing up to 50% rounded white quartz pebbles.

Minor thin lenses of dark-gray shales up to 4 feet thick and 150 feet in length have also been found in this formation. The Pocono Formation has been known to outcrop in ledges and generally caps higher ridges in the Lehigh Gorge area.

The thickness of the Pocono Formation has been calculated at 740 feet.


Pocono outcrop near Black Creek.

Stratigraphic Column

Mauch Chunk

Rock Layers

Spechty Kopf

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