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Spechty Kopf (|MDsk)
Stratigraphic Column


The Spechty Kopf Formation is located above the Duncannon Member and directly below the Pocono Formation.

The Spechty Kopf Formation (|Mdsk) is comprised of three major units. Its basal unit is called Diamictite; an unsorted mixture of clay, silt, sand and pebbles ranging in color from mottled light olive gray to a medium bluish gray. Diamictite weathers to a brownish color, it is very well indurated, generally massive and structureless. The pebbles in Diamictite are up to 4 inches in diameter.

The middle unit of Spechty Kopf Formation is a sandstone sequence having parallel-sided 1 inch to 1 foot thick beds of fine to coarse grained, well-sorted sandstones, quartzitic throughout.

The uppermost unit of this formation is interbedded sandstone and shale. The sandstones are usually fine to coarse grained, quartzitic, gray and have poorly defined bedding. Bed thicknesses vary for 1 inch up to 2 feet. This unit is generally poorly exposed and occupies lower elevations.

Thickness of unit is variable. The Spechty Kopf Formation has a maximum thickness of about 375 feet.


Stratigraphic Column


Rock Layers


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