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WISE Creek Curricular


The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) is an on-line science learning environment for students in grades 4-12,
supported by the National Science Foundation.

Strawberry Creek Curriculum demo

WISE Strawberry Creek curriculum, developed by CILT at the University of California - Berkeley, is an "interactive" Web-based project where middle and high school students can investigate and learn about a creek in their local area. They look at their watershed from a physical, chemical, and a biological perspective. By going through their detailed background information, activities, and lessons, students will answer probing questions such as: Is your creek healthy? Where does the water come from? How clean should a creek's water be for it to be healthy? Should it be clean enough for us to drink? Students engage in meaningful inquiry and develop the knowledge and the skills necessary to answer these questions.

In order to assess the creek's health, students collect water samples and measure water quality factors. Students gain a deep understanding of the different factors that affect the quality of water. In Strawberry Creek curriculum, background information is provided on water quality factors such as pH, fecal coliform, biodiversity, algae, macroinvertebrates, metals and water quality, temperature, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia. An online tutorial is also included on how to measure water quality using either LaMotte test kits, CHEMetts, VACUettes, or the CBL. Students are encouraged to carefully analyze their data collected, make conclusions, build a model, and make informed decisions that will affect the future of their local watershed.

Check out WISE's other watershed-related curricular modules:

WISE Creek Detectives curriculum

WISE Pine Creek curriculum

WISE Drink or Swim curriculum

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LEO EnviroSci Inquiry is brought to you by the Lehigh Environmental Initiative at Lehigh University.
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