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Did You Know?

  • An oceanic island is the most isolated land on earth, surrounded on all sides by vast stretches of water.
  • Because ocean temperatures stay much the same year-round, most islands do not undergo extreme temperature variations that the interior of continents do.
  • Most oceanic islands are formed as a result of volcanic activity on the ocean floor.
  • Coral islands develop from reefs that form around the volcanic island.
  • Because islands are so inaccessible, they do not have the great variety of plants and animals found on the mainland, however, they usually have species unique to that island.
  • The coconut is a common tree on oceanic islands in the tropics.
  • Seabirds such as gulls and terns frequently colonize oceanic islands.
  • Islands typically have insects that do not fly.
  • Oceanic islands have few reptiles, but those that are here become unusually large.
  • The Komodo dragon found only on Komodo Island is the world's largest lizard, growing to nearly eight feet long.
  • The giant tortoises of Aldabra and the Galapagos Islands grow to gigantic sizes.


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