People of Earth System Science Education at Lehigh University

Instructional Design Team:

Dr. Dave Anastasio*, Dr. Alec Bodzin**, Dr. Joan Ramage*, Dr. Zicheng Yu*, and James Cascione*
*Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh Environmental Initiative, Lehigh University
**Teaching, Learning, & Technology Program, Department of Education and Human Resources, Lehigh Environmental Initiative, Lehigh University

Web Site Development and Maintenance:

Eric Heydenberk and Tom Simmavath, Lehigh University
Mike Chupa, Lehigh Environmental Initiative

Special thanks:

Dr. Richard A. Birdsey, Program Manager, Global Change Research, USDA Forest Service, for his assistance and collaboration with the Design Team.

Dr. Donald Johnson, University of Wisconsin , Director, and Dr. Martin Ruzek, Science Program Manager, Earth System Science Education, Universities Space Research Association.

Dr. Dork Sahagian, Director, Lehigh Environmental Initiative, Lehigh University for his support throughout this development work.

Curricular development was supported by the following grants:
Where is the Missing Carbon? Multidisciplinary Web-Based-Inquiry Modules for Earth System Science Instruction. Universities Space Research Association/National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Prime Agency NASA, grant NNG04GA82G, USRA/ESSE21 sub-agreement 05121-16. Earth System Science Education for the 21st Centruy Program, PIs: D, Anastasio, A. Bodzin, & L. Windham. October 2004-July 2007.
Supplement: Remote Sensing Educational Module, PIs: D, Anastasio, A. Bodzin, Joan Ramage, & Zicheng Yu. October 2005-July 2007.