The factor needed to determine the ideal location of a nuclear power plant is uranium mines. The infrastructure (basic building facilities and installations) required to develop nuclear energy is a plant to process the ore into fuel rods, a plant to generate electricity, cooling water for power plant, electrical grid to distribute power, and a place to store radioactive waste.
Advantages of Nuclear Power Generation
Compared to electricity generated by burning fossil fuels, nuclear energy is clean. Nuclear power generation does not emit greenhouse gases like coal and oil power plants. Nuclear power plants produce no air pollution or carbon dioxide. A small amount of emissions result from processing the uranium that is used in nuclear reactors. Nuclear power technology exists and does not have to be developed. It is possible to generate lots of electricity from a single nuclear power plant.
Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Generation
The waste from nuclear energy is extremely dangerous and it has to be carefully stored for thousands of years. Accidents at power plants can happen and though the probability of an accident is small, the results can be catastrophic. During the operation of nuclear power plants, radioactive waste is produced, which in turn can be used for the production of nuclear weapons. Nuclear power plants may also release warm water to the environment. This is monitored by federal agencies.