Inclement Weather Day

GIS Storm Sewers Unit

Locating information with AEJEE.
Students use AEJEE tools to explore and locate geo-referenced information near the school area.

Note: This lesson plan is designed to take place anytime between Day 4 and Day 7. It is recommended that this lesson be used on an inclement weather day, when students would not be able to go outside to collect data.

Warm up:

1. Launch AEJEE and present an overview of the application. Show how data gets added and maps are displayed.

2. Instruct students to add the Northampton County and Lehigh County street layers and Landmarks layer.

3. Instruct students to create labels to show the names of the landmarks on the GIS.

4. Instruct students to create labels to display street names on the GIS.

Main Activity:

1. Tell students they will make a sketch map of one block around Broughal.
Ask students: When you draw map, what features should it have?
List all student responses.

Be sure to note and include the following:
North is oriented towards the top of the paper.
Provide a compass rose.
Explain the term “block”.
Include streets and label with names.
Include all structures (for example, parking lots, buildings, grass areas). Label each structure with a name.

2. Model the construction of a sketch map on the board of the one block area around Broughal. Have students tell you what to include. Include features suggested by students. After the sketch map is constructed, ask students what is located across the street on each block side and include this on the map.

3. Restate the “driving scenario problem” from Day 1.

4. Handout Exploring the School Area with GIS to each student.

5. Tell students they are going to explore storm sewers at the intersections near Broughal Middle School and the 48 Hours Video store to determine if there is enough storm sewers to prevent flooding and people from walking into buildings with wet socks and shoes.

6. Spend 5-7 minutes at the end of class bringing students back to the front of the room to look at the GIS display on a projected computer image. Review the questions pertaining to the intersections near Broughal Middle School and the 48 Hours Video store. Have students share answers and review and discuss student responses to the question: “If it rains all day, do you think these storm sewers will stop the road from flooding” at both intersections.

Materials needed:
Handout: Exploring the School Area with GIS [Exploring_area.doc]
GIS files: Sewers data layer, Northampton County and Lehigh County street layers and Landmarks layer.


Instructional Sequence | GIS Storm Sewers Unit

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