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Activity 4 - Use your knowledge


Answer the questions below using the map provided. You may print the map and place the marks directly on your paper.

Pennsylvanian rocks
Mississippian rocks
Devonian rocks
Ordovician rocks
Cambrian rocks
1.   On your map, find the axis (shown below) or center of an anticline and a syncline and mark them with a line. Place the correct symbol (arrows) on your map to designate an anticline and a syncline.

Examine the common geologic map symbols on a bedrock map key.

Explored some USGS sites that have geologic maps.:

Take some time now to examine some common tools that geologists use when they are doing field work.

Rock Hammer

Rock Hammer

Field Book

Field Book - OpenField Book - Closed
Compass - SideCompass - Top
GPS (Global Positioning System)

Common signs found on a geologic map include strike and dip symbols. These symbols tell the geologist or reader the direction a bed is trending and the angle at which the bed is positioned compared to the horizontal (generally the Earth's surface). Read the following definitions and go to the interactive strike and dip site and examine strike and dip. Best viewed in Netscapr or Safari.

2.   On your bedrock map, place strike and dip symbols where you would expect to find them on the flanks of your anticline and syncline. (You don't need a dip angle)

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