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Temperate Grasslands (Prairies, Steppes)

Did You Know?

  • Grasslands develop wherever rainfall is not high enough to produce a forest nor light enough to form a desert.
  • Grasslands can develop because grazing by wild animals prevents tree seedlings from growing.
  • In this region, summers are hot, winters are cold, and rainfall is low throughout the year.
  • Grasslands are called different names in different parts of the world; "prairies" in North America, "steppes" in Asia.
  • In this region plant growth is dominated by grasses and grass-like plants and can support a high density of grazing animals.
  • Grasslands also have herbaceous flowering plants and a variety of scattered trees and bushes.
  • Animals home to the grasslands are grazing herbivores and swift-footed predators that eat them.


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